Data Entry with filters


In a dataview, there is one data-entry block, which is a cube with dimension by A and B.

I need to have A on the row and B on the column.

However, I need to show only specific members on B (Which I already flag by using another cube)

Is there anyway I can do that as the filter on that flag cube does not work; the data entry Lock with Cube also did not work?

Thank you!

Accepted Answer

  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Phuong Nguyen,

    If I understodd your challenge correctly, you want to filter on columns.

    Unfortunately there's not a setting to filter on columns (only on rows).

    In your case, a possible workaround can be to use an algorithm, where

    Block A: Data Cube (hidden)
    Block B: Flag Cube (hidden)
    Block C: Algorithm [a*b]

    Make sure the "Show all" is unticked for columns.

    This setup should give you 0 on all columns you don't want to show. Zero values will be hidden with the "Show all" unticked.


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @Phuong Nguyen ,

    the filter should work exactly that way.

    Can you please check

    • the axis settings ("show all")
    • the "hide zeros" setting in your DE block

    How did you flag the valid combinations—with a "1"? If you enable the display of the filter block, what does it show in the rows you do not want data entry enabled?


  • Phuong Nguyen
    Phuong Nguyen Active Partner
    First Comment Board Developer First Anniversary Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board


    The flag cube has only 1 dimension B with value of 1 to the specific member I want to show on the dataview.

    The dataview should show all value for the rows (which are Entity A) on the row and only the Dimension B's members which have value of 1 in the flag cube.

    If I switched rows and columns between A and B, the filter works but not the other way around.

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @Phuong Nguyen ,

    could you please provide a screenshot of your layout and the axis settings?


  • Phuong Nguyen
    Phuong Nguyen Active Partner
    First Comment Board Developer First Anniversary Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

    I dont know how to attach a screenshot here,

    Data entry block has dimension (entity A) on the row and dimension (entity B) on the column.

    I need to show all on members of A on the row, but only a specific set of members of B on the column.

    I brought in the flag cube as a filter cube which only has one dimension - entity B with the value of 1 to flag the members I want to show up.

    the options is show all on both axis and the filter on min 0.5 of flag cube.

    The dataview still shows the member of B which I did not flag.

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    edited January 29

    what happens if you set the min value in the filter to "1" instead of 0.5?

  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers

    @Phuong Nguyen

    In case your filter Cube can have any other value than "1", I suggest the algorithm to be [a*b/b]. This way your flag cube will multiply with "1" if there's a flag value.

  • Phuong Nguyen
    Phuong Nguyen Active Partner
    First Comment Board Developer First Anniversary Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

    Thanks everyone.

    I also figured out that the filter does not work on column.

    I will try other workarounds as you suggested .