Level 200, Module 204: Row Totals disappearing after all the selectors are applied

After applying all the selectors as attached, the values in row total disappear. Up until the second last selector, the row total values are present. Also Note, the individual rows and column values match with the expected output. Please help.


Expected Output:

My Output:


  • Hi Shallesh,

    My Name is Brian Walker.

    In order to resolve the issue, please check all the steps you have performed in lesson 6- Build the sales Data Model. Below are some steps you can focus on.

    Units Data View configuration 

    • 1-Use the "TEMP - ACT - DR – Units" cube for "data block: a".
    • 2-Set BY ROW to be by "store" and "product".
    • 3-Set BY COLUMN to be by "month".
    • 4-IN AXIS SETTINGS, remove the select on "show all" by column
    • 5-Select "SAVE".
      6-In DATA VIEW in the MULTIPLE ENTITIES BY ROW panel, set "flatten groups level" to "store".

  • Shailesh
    Shailesh Customer
    First Comment

    Above mentioned steps are followed:

    Please note that, only after all the selectors are applied, the row total values show no values. As seen below, i have excluded one selector and it shows value.

    Thankyou for your help

  • Hi Shailesh,

    Can you share the screenshot of the "TEMP - ACT - DR – Units" Cube structure?

  • Shailesh
    Shailesh Customer
    First Comment

    Hi Brian,
