Basic question about data security

I have a question about the security concept. Within a capsule, I have two folders: Folder A contains data that should not be filtered by an entity, while Folder B should be filtered by the entity 'Team.' Is it correct that there is no way to implement such a requirement in Board? My only solution at the moment is that I essentially need a new database, as filtering is already applied at the first level. We have several teams, all of which should be able to see the unfiltered data in Folder A, but in Folder B, the data must be filtered

Thank you in advance,

Carolin Rudolph

Accepted Answer

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Hi @c.rudolph ,

    you don't need to apply the cube as a filter on the screen (you can but you don't need to because the system will take care of the filtering). When you have defined which cubes' data shall be restricted and set up the visibility cube and rule(s), this configuration will be used on any screen where the cube with the protection is used.

