Capsule Snapshot "restore"

Walter Customer, Community Captain
10 Comments Year 2 Community Captain 5 Likes Board Developer

Hello everyone and happy Monday,
I took a capsule snapshot, uploaded the snapshot in my Dev environment.
Now, I'm looking for ways to 'restore' or 'open' this snapshot in a newly created capsule.

So far I have not been able to find an article that explains how to do this.
Is this doable in board?.


Accepted Answers

  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    edited February 10 Answer ✓

    Hi @Walter,

    Your capsule snapshot will include all capsules from your source environment. To move forward with the capsule transport process after uploading your snapshot into the Dev environment, you need to create a Capsule Package. Once created, you can define the source Capsule snapshot (the uploaded one) and target snapshot (the one you would have taken from your Dev environment) to move specific/all capsules into your Dev environment.

    The below Board manual article goes through the steps in detail to create a Capsule Package:



  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    Answer ✓

    To understand your use case correctly, @Walter, are you looking to move an entire capsule from your source environment to your target Dev environment, or just specific screens from one capsule to another in your Dev environment?

    If it's the first option, you can create a Capsule Package and select "auto-compare." Board will automatically detect which capsules exist in your source snapshot but not in the target environment, and once the package is run, it will create it/them for you.

    If it's the second option and you're looking to move specific screens, you’ll need a workaround. First, move the entire capsule using the Capsule Package, then use the "Save As" function to transfer individual screens from the uploaded capsule to your target capsule (see screenshots below).

    Hope this helps!




  • Walter
    Walter Customer, Community Captain
    10 Comments Year 2 Community Captain 5 Likes Board Developer
    edited February 10

    Hello @Hamza Mesbahi
    Thanks for the quick respond. I get your point.
    I might not have phrase my question properly.

    What I am trying to do is 'open' (Visualize the screens) in this capsule.

  • Walter
    Walter Customer, Community Captain
    10 Comments Year 2 Community Captain 5 Likes Board Developer

    @Hamza Mesbahi
    Thanks, your approach was really helpful.