Time zone to be factored into Date and Time outputs

We have users in different time zones and we would like for Date and Time to also include an output listing time zone abbreviation. We have attempted to set the culture code then use "@datetime" in our report header. This gives us the date with the word "time" written after it. We have also used "@Date @Time" which correctly gives us the date and time in "2/10/2025 08:34" output but does not provide time zone or option to be in military time versus standard. Does anyone know logic to provide date, time, with time zone output?


  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    edited February 11

    Hi @Kelsey,

    I’m not aware of any specific Board function or substitution formula that displays time zones. Here are the time/date-related substitution formulas available in Board as outlined in our manual:

    One solution I can think of would require some configuration. Specifically, you could create a Timezone entity, populate it with all the time zones relevant to your users, and create a cube to map each user to their specific time zone. Then, on your screen(s), you can dynamically select the time zone based on the logged-in user and display it on a label using @Timezone substitution before/after @Datetime.

    Hope this helps.
