Are exclusions of certain characters possible while entering text data ?

Is it possible to exclude certain characters, spaces, enter etc. when entering text data in board? E.G. Data Entry for a space " " is forbidden.

Accepted Answer

  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    5 Answers Second Anniversary 10 Comments Board Advanced Developer
    edited February 19 Answer ✓

    Hi @Martina_MW,

    I believe it's possible, provided you configure it using Data Entry data validation rules. For instance, if you want to prevent users from entering a space character (i.e., " "), you could set up an algorithm that flags a 1 if the text entry cell contains a space, or a 0 if it doesn't. This flag can then be used as part of a validation rule on your data entry text cube. You can view in more detail how validation rules can be applied to a data entry cube here.

    I did a quick test on my localhost to demonstrate how this would work with the space character example:

    I configured an algorithm (block d) to flag if a space character is detected in the input cube (block a), then I used it in the input validation rules of that block (see below). The result is that if any text containing a space character is entered in that cube, the input validation rule fails, and an error message (of my choosing) is displayed to the user.

    With that configured, if a user attempts to save a text input that contains a space character, they'll receive an error popup, and their input won't be saved (see below).

    So, while there isn't a simple, out-of-the-box way to restrict data entry based on specific characters, it can be done by combining block algorithms with input validation rules.

    Hope this helps.



  • Thank you very much! That was exactly what I was looking for. I tried it and it works 🙂

  • Happy to help!

  • Do you possibly have also a solution für "ENTER" ? ("\n" - doesn't work)

  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    5 Answers Second Anniversary 10 Comments Board Advanced Developer
    edited February 20

    Hi @Martina_MW, from my experience, when a user clicks "Enter", Board selects the next cell or row in the layout, it doesn’t skip a line like in a text editor. So in the context of data entry in Board, pressing "Enter" would be used by the user to confirm their input before saving it. Unfortunately, this behavior can't be changed as it's native to the platform.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thank you very much!
