Board data entry

Good evening,

I am trying to create a budget report that allows users to edit values through data entry.

The following table presents the data in the following order:

  • Months in rows (entity)
  • Sales from the previous year (cube)
  • Budget for the current year (cube with data entry enabled)
  • Sales for the current year (cube)

As shown in the table below, I am unable to enter budget values for months where there were no sales in the previous year, such as January, February, March, and April 2025.

Would it be possible to force null values to 0 and then compile the budget values?

I have already tried creating an algorithm and a reverse algorithm, but it still does not work as expected.

Thank you in advance!


  • Hamza Mesbahi
    Hamza Mesbahi Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    edited February 19

    Hi @Davenyr Fajutag,

    It seems there’s an issue with the image you linked, as we can't view it. However, based on what you've described, it looks like the issue might be related to the "Show All" option being disabled in your layout axes settings.

    This option tells Board to display all the Entity members by row, whether or not they have data associated with them in any of the blocks that include that dimension in the layout ("Month" in your example). Typically, this setting is enabled for data entry purposes so users can input data in cells where it doesn’t exist yet.

    Here's what I mean below. In the first screenshot, I leave the Show All setting disabled, and the dataview only shows Months that had PY actuals.

    In the 2nd example below, I enable the Show All option and that shows me all the Months selected on the screen, regardless of whether they have any data. (Note in both instances, I had all of 2025 selected).

    Please let me know if I’m misunderstanding your situation.

    Hope this helps.


  • Davenyr Fajutag
    Davenyr Fajutag Active Partner
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Board Developer

    Hi @Hamza Mesbahi!

    Thank you for your rapid response!

    The budgeting process in Board consists of:

    1. Budget cube is created from a dataflow that extracts the previous year Sales
    2. The user modifies the values and that is how the final budget cube is created

    In this case, I am unable to input values into the budget where there were no sales in the previous year.

    Thank you!

    Let me know!

  • Hi @Davenyr Fajutag, can you confirm you have the "Show All" option enabled in your layout axes settings?

    If you're still encountering the issue, can you share a screenshot of what you're seeing? That might help me better understand your situation.

  • Davenyr Fajutag
    Davenyr Fajutag Active Partner
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Board Developer
    edited February 20

    Hi @Hamza Mesbahi!

    Yes I have the "Show All" option enabled in my layout axes settings.

    As you can see from the screeshot below, I can't insert values into rows related to Liechtensten, Ireland, etc…

    The first cube is the budget cube, the second cube is the Previous Year Sales.

    Let me know! Thank you!

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @Davenyr Fajutag ,

    in order to use the Split&Splat functionality to input data on an aggregated level you will need a pattern that the system can use to derive the correct distribution from (the aggregated data input needs to be distributed along the hierarchy down to the leaf level where the data is actually stored).

    You don't have PY data to initialize Budget data on those rows and no other pattern as far as I can see.

    So you'd have to drill down to a level where you can input data—most likely to the leaf level of the budget cube.


  • Davenyr Fajutag
    Davenyr Fajutag Active Partner
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Board Developer

    Hi @Helmut Heimann,

    As far as I understand, in order to input data into this cube, should I drill down to the leaf level where the data is stored?
    In this case, should I drill down the budget cube to all the entities it is structured on?

    Thank you in advance!
    Let me know.

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @Davenyr Fajutag ,

    so long you don't have a pattern you would need to get to the leaf level to input data, correct.

    However, the best approach would be to provide a pattern (perhaps derived from another country's PY values).
    That might not be easy, but it would yield the most user-friendly experience.
