level 200 module 212 Not seeing any data

I am not seeing data in after running the procedure in module 212. See my screenshot below, it seems that there are nothing in Profit and Loss?


  • Hi Fabrizio,

    I request you to check the capsule procedure "BUD - Consolidate Budget into P&L" and the data model procedure "BUD - Consolidate Budget into P&L" to verify if all the steps are correct.

    Then check the data view layout you have created named "P&L - Unbalanced" and check the axis properties.

    Also check the selections you have applied, while applying the selections have you selected all the dynamic selections?

    After all these checks please check if the Lable "Update P&L" has the right procedure selected from the capsule. Then run the procedure in play mode by clicking on the "Update P&L" label.