Security Profil - Reset all selection in procedure

I have for all users a security profil Select User = @User and user meta data on organisations.
User Role is a parent of user.
On some screens in design mode I have selections (on organisation, periods…), "disabled initial layout" is checked.
I try to make a open trigger procedure , according access to the screen or not depending user role. To do so, I create a first group checking userRole with a dataflow (TEMP - User Role = 1). then a "if exit procedure or continue".
If a user is outside "design mode" selections (with organisation), the step TEMP - User Role = 1 does not work.
So I try adding a reset all selection step before. But the step TEMP - User Role =1, does not work for all users.
I thought that security filters has "above/stronger" screen selection.
Can you please help me to solve my issue?
Thank you
Hi @sophie Gallais,
Thanks for your question. I'm having a little bit of a hard time understanding your issue. When you say "I try to make a open trigger procedure , according access to the screen or not depending user role.", Are you trying to narrow down a user's access to only see data for Organizations they have been given access to, or are you trying to find a way to limit access to a given screen altogether?
If it's the former, wouldn't the metadata selection applied to each of your users already determine which Organizations each user can see? The members of the Organization entity should already be narrowed down to those that your admin assigned each user—provided the user metadata security filters were applied correctly on the backend.
If it's the latter, the access to the screen needs to be checked before going into the screen, as opposed to upon entering the screen. While this is not possible with menu object, it's possible to do with labels where the layout can be used to configure visibility based on certain user security. I can link some articles breaking that down if that's what you need.
Also what Version is your instance on (XX.X), this would help understand in terms of what's doable?
Kind regards,
Hamza1 -
Hello Hamza,
Thank you for your message, I finally found whats happened, I had a "procedure can not be saved" in an orange banner. Then all my layouts and filters was down ( but not visible If I do not edit all steps one by one). It's ok now.
thank you for your help!