Admin / Task Scheduler - Allow scheduling of a task multiple times per day

This issue has been raised multiple times with Support & Customer Success teams for the past 6 years at least, but since it's not moving, I'm posting it here to collect additional feedback from the community.
Issue :
Currently there is no possibility in the admin portal task scheduler to define the execution with a frequency higher than 1 day. For example if you want to schedule a backup multiple times per day, you need to define several tasks : one at 6:00AM, one at 9:00AM … etc. and schedule all these tasks on a daily basis, which is annoying and hard to maintain.
We also have worse cases where we want to schedule a procedure every 10 min. The typical example is a procedure that is synchronizing two planning data models, where the user needs to see almost in real time the impacts from one model into the other.
Current workaround
We include loops in the procedure with a "10min wait" and 144 calls of the subroutine to cover the day. However we run into issues since the execution time is not stable, and we end up with the procedure overlapping itself (24 * 6 executions in the day are not finished when the scheduler starts the procedure of the following day).
Idea :
Allow task scheduling with a frequency up to "every x minutes". This should be pretty basic as far as technical changes go.