Extract and Reload of entities/trees to fix corruption

Hi there,


Performing an extract and reload with clear entities is one of the fixes to a corrupted db, depending on how the database was corrupted; however when entity members were deleted manually, obviously there will be empty index numbers in between without a member. As a consequence, BOARD reassigns the empty index to the members coming in during reload. On this example, only extract and reload with clear on entities is the only solution. Only clearing the cubes did not help.


Are there other techniques to fix the corrupted database that avoids Extract and Reload with clear on Entities?





  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers

    Hi Paola,


    it's allways depending to the kind of corruption.

    In some cases it can help to delete all Relationships and create those from scratch, in other cases it might be helpful to change the cube structure (of some cubes) to force board to use a new sparsity unique id.

    Unfortunetly there isnt a receipt with steps to do, cause different root causes need different solution strategies




  • Alessio Biondi
    Alessio Biondi Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Up Votes Board Developer

    You could map all entities used in selections on reports and procedures, then carefully try to reconstruct the missing indices on each of them, restoring the right order in the csv file extracted. This way you could reload the correct positions and avoid selection problems.

    But it's a mess anyway... the only approach is NOT to delete manually single items, it shouldn' be possible even via admin entity panel!!