Broadcasting on Cloud Enviroment



In on premise enviroment the email setting must set on client side.

Does anyone knows if it is possible to set the Broadcasting option also on cloud enviroment?

Where can i set the Broadcasting parameters?

Thanks a lot



  • Björn Reuber

    Hi Lorenzo,


    I need to clarify your question, cause right now I can I could answer it in 2 different ways:

    - in Cloud environment Broadcasting can be used in the same way like onPremise. Just us a BOARD Client installed somewhere in Customers environment

    - in Cloud environment Broadcasting cant be used in the same way, cause it can't be done by the server directly (right now). So it can't be done using the Server


    as a third answer, there will be a different solution to do broadcasting in near future (server sided, no client interaction necessary, working directly in HTML5), so stay tuned




  • Hi,

    Ok i tested the first answer from my pc and it worked, thanks a lot.

    But i have another question:

    Is it possible to schedule a sort of daily email report in a simple way ?

    Thanks in advance


  • Björn Reuber



    you can use windows Task scheduler, but keep in mind, that the User, which is executing the task needs to be logged in (cause it's not possible to use without an active desktop session).

    Maybe this discussion will be useful: Board Broadcasting as scheduled task 


