"Cannot load protocols list" message when running data reader


Why do I get the error "Cannot load protocols list." every time I try to run any data reader?


Immediately after this error I get "Invalid user : this user is logged in elsewhere." when I try to view any screen.


Any help greatly appreciated! 




  • Federico Cazzalini

    Hello Giles,

    the issue you're facing might be related to an old version of the BOARD Procedure Launcher.

    If you're not using the latest BOARD version (Board please plan to upgrade to it or at least to upgrade the BOARD Procedure Launcher version.


    Ask to your Board Local Support for more details.




  • Francesco Bortolin

    Hi Gilles


    I've also experienced this error, especially with SAP datareader in an older version (8.1.6)


    I've solved this doing as following:

    1. when receiveing the error I close Board Client.
    2. I stop Board service
    3. I delete file bm1Common.xml form the database folder: this file stores datareader last run date, read records etc... so it's not critical at it will be re-created (only thing you won't see last run in datareader screen until next run)


    Anyway, best solution is still upgrading Board 




  • Thomas Ironstone

    Hi Giles,


    We also experienced a similar issue for one of our BOARD deployments (v.10.1.0) which related to the Procedure Launcher (as Federico suggested).

    Are you running any BOARD procedures outside of BOARD using scheduled jobs (such as Windows Scheduler) and the BOARD Procedure Launcher?

    If you are (and you are currently unable to upgrade to BOARD at this time) the solution provided to us from BOARD Support was as follows:

    1. Download the procedurelauncher from link
    2. Unzip the file
    3. Change the extension from .ext to .exe
    4. Replace the file in the folder C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server\Tools

    This resolved the issue for that particular deployment.


    If you happen to have a test environment, I would suggest doing it there first. 




  • Gabriele Gallo

    Hi Thomas Ironstone

    i have removed the link from your response as the item you were sharing was specifically resolving your case and had been evaluated alongside with your environments characteristics.

    The approach i would suggest is still to upgrade to, and if not possible, contact the Support Team so that they can provide the user with the appropriate resources (whether only the procedurelauncher or anything else)


    Hope this helped,



  • Thomas Ironstone

    Hi Gabriele Gallo

    Thanks for the input, and I agree with you 100%. 

