Multiple Screen resolutions - Responsive design
Hi All,
Was wondering how do we handle multiple screen resolutions in the browser? This is very important to maintain a consistent and professional look.
For example - We want to set up a screen mask with a header and footer. The header can be managed since it's at the top and we could make it wider than the widest screen we expect the user to load the screen on (of course the issue of how many menu items we should include need to be considered). But when it comes to a footer, it should let's say always consume around 3% of the screen height or worst case 50px from the bottom.
Hi Christopher, not sure if this does what you want or if you've already tried it, but does 'Lock Size' under Screen/Mask Properties help? We generally set that for every screen/mask to try and keep them looking as consistent as possible across devices. Just need to be careful which 'resolution' you've built and locked it on though so that your screen and masks match.
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Hi Brendan,
Thanks for the response, but that doesn't work. The screen objects look fine but the footer keeps shifting (moves up and down, looks like the Footer-top is fixed) when viewed on different resolutions.
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Hi Chris Jansz
Also I have problems with different resolutions, and I'm confident that future Board versions will improve those behaviours.
Infact I read that in version 10.3, expected this month, some improvemente will be:
New reporting : Capsule and Presentation printingto PDF, PPT, Word, XLS.
Screen auto-fit to different resolution and form factors
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Infact I read that in version 10.3, expected this month
Is not a prerequisite for 10.3 that first the 10.2 is published ? When is 10.2 expected ?
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I heard that 10.2 will be skipped and 10.3 will be directly released this month, I hope
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Thanks for the info. Then let us hope.