Office 365 AddIn for Windows 10



currently we are using  the BOARD version 10.0.3 and the Office 365 Pro Plus [32 Bit] version 1802.
Now we would like to install the related Office Add-In from BOARD. Unfortunately, it terminates the installation routine with the following error message.


"You must have Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 or 2013 installed to use this product"


Currently it concerns a "factory new" laptop on which Windows 10 and the above mentioned office package has been installed. In the past we were informed that we should change entries in the Windows registry.

However, these changes did not lead to the desired result.

Does anyone here in the community have the same problem and a successful solution??

There are about 200 devices waiting for me, which want to have the AddIn.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Alexander G. Scapin


  • Alexander Kappes

    Dear Mr Alexander G. Scapin,


    what Installation package for the office AddIn you use?


    When you use Setup Office it should work: BOARD 10.0.3 


    I reckon you try to install the 64 Bit Edition of the AddIn on a 32 Bit Office Edition.




    Alexander Kappes

  • hello Alexander,


    as far as I understood you question right, we are using the related installation package for BOARD version 10.0.3, which was orignally downloaded from the BOARD internet side.

    I also tried to install the 64 bit Office version, whithout success [Same error message].



