radar area chart: different axis position between Win and Web ?
Hello everybody,
Has anyone used radar area chart ? I face a different behaviour between windows and web client, and haven't seen it in the dedicated help page: Differences between web client and win client
- WinClient: The axis is by default set horizontally, starting from the centre in the right direction
- WebClient: The axis is by default set vertically, starting from the centre in the top direction
I don't see anything where to define how the axis behaves:
(BOARD Version 10.1.4.)
Does anyone know how to make this consistent, i.e. that the radar chart has the same axis direction in both clients ?
The issue is particularly annoying when i want to add an unit (e.g. %) to the axis. Since it is not directly possible in the chart object (the ideaall charts having axes > add title and unit for each axis asks to make it possible), I need to add an additional label object, which looks odd in the windows client : , so that it looks good in the web client...
Thanks in advance,
can't answer your question, why the behavior has changed (maybe cause of component).
Is it important, that the % is only displayed once? Cause otherwise you could use the Postfix Option:
Win Client:
Web Client
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Thanks for your answer.
Generally i prefer using axis unit instead of putting the unit after each value shown on the axis.
Since it is not possible in this case, I tried your idea:
Win client
Web client (the size is only smaller because my browser has 80% zoom, not 100%)
so the Web client is acceptable.
The win Client not.
Which parameter should I change to show less values in the win client ? I though it was "label interval".
but when I set it to 2, I got this:
I would have expected only 0,0 - 0,2 - 0,4 - 0,6 values at this place.
What should I expect in reality ?
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about Label Interval, this is has nothing to do with the Axis, first RadarChart has Label Interval 1, 2nd has 2. Yo can easily see, that the Leabls for Writing Instruments/Fixed Blades are not displeayed (cause only every 2nd label is displayed)
To get only the 0,2 0,4 0,6 etc you have to set Major steps to 0,2
Furthermore it might be helpful to use the LabelFit Mode (Browser left, Win Client on the right)
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ok, the "major step" option is the one which is relevant in my case, thanks !
However, is it considered in the web client ?
(using version 10.1.4)
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seems not to be supported in HTML5 yet. Maybe with one of the next versions