add "distribute horizontally/vertically" function to arrange screen objects
Hi, this is actually a post for the "Ideas" sections, but i seem not been allowed to post an idea on my own.
Reason is, i cannot fill the field "publish locations"

Could you "transform" this question into an idea ?
Thanks in advance
to enrich the "align" function (used to arrange the spatial disposition of several selected toolbox objects) with two new functions :
- distribute horizontally
- distribute vertically
These functions are well known by MS Powerpoint users
2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
Having a screen with many objects (application menu), especially buttons and labels, can be very maintenance intensive without this function, when for example a new business process is implemented, needs its dedicated button(s), and to make it nice, all buttons needs to be separated by the same distance
3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?
I don't know any workaround for this. Currently, six functions are available to help arranging the screen objects together:
It would be very nice to get two more functions there !
thanks and regards,
Hello interested typ!
I am writing to give a quick explanation on how and who can post ideas on the BOARDVille Community
When members register to the Community everyone immediately get "standard access" so that they can start interacting with other members of the community. Within 48 hours community managers review every subscription in order to give customers and partners their specific access and permissions.
For example we allow only real BOARD users (so employees, customers and partners) to post ideas.
In your case I reviewed your subscription but with the data you entered I wasn't able to assign you the partner or customer access even if I think you belong to one of those groups.
Hope it helps! feel free to mention "@" me in this reply if you wish to update your data and get an upgraded access!
I look forward to hearing from you!
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I would also love some hot keys for the align functionality. For example, CTRL+SHIFT+ up arrow would be align up. This would save me tons of time!
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The "Distribute" functions are already planned to be implemented in the HTML5 capsule editor that will be released soon.
Stay tuned for the 10.5 release.
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very good news, thanks !
do you mean the version 10.1.5, don't you ?
what is the HTML5 capsule editor exactly ? Does it mean, the new funtion will not be available within the Windows Board Client ?4 -
The new function will be only available in the capsule designer of HTML5 client, the version name is not official yet.
It means that in future you can edit the capsules directly from the web ina a WYSIWYG way.
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ok, you mean in the future HTML5 version which will be then unique (no Windows Board Client anymore, only 1 web client to develop databases and capsules)