Configure Process to add row totals

There is probably an easy solution to this but it has me stumped for the time being. In the image below I have a budget detail page for collecting travel and training info. I have a line item Travel Total that is an algorithm ((b*50)+(b*150*h)+(b*50*i)+(e*200)+(g*.55)+(b*50)) and I want to use this algorithm in a process (which is shown in the second dataview) to apply it to another entity. You can see the Travel Cost is not the sum of the travel total column because the algorithm is taking the totals and applying it instead of doing it line by line and summing the values.


Is there way to either: 

  1. Change the process algorithm to some how calculate each travel value by line and then sum the total, or
  2. I created a new cube called Line Item Total but am not sure how to apply the column total to the values in that cube. It could just be a simple, value to add the total of the Travel Total column and then I could apply that value to my planned budget value. 




  • After puzzling over this for awhile, I think I came up with a solution that appears to be working. For others, I created a new cube and was able to use a process to transfer the line by line values into the new cube. Then I was able to add that new cube to the Totals and write that value into my planned budget. Seems to be working well and was able to implement it without an impact to any of the existing data that had been previously entered by our users.