Enabling Lite + Users to Save Changes





I need to see if there is a way to allow our Lite + End Users to save changes to Capsules, DataView Layouts, etc. Is there a way to update this in the security profiles for our assigned users?





Thank you,
Ford Reid


  • Björn Reuber



    yeah there is a very easy way. Just assign a Power User License to those users, instead of a LitePlus License, cause this is exactly the difference between those two license types.




  • Alexander Kappes

    Dear Ford Reid,


    thanks for your request.


    In General Changes for Capsules / Screens which should been saved are only possible with Power User or Developer License.


    There ist no way to allow Lite+ or Lite Users doing such.


    The only section / function where they are able doing changes is Presentations in HTML5 or Pinboard in Win Client. Additively for that sections they can´t Change DataEntry Layouts, when they are doing this, the DataEntry will be disabled.


    Hope it helps.




    Alexander Kappes

  • Thank you Alexander Kappes


    Our temporary license key with 20 of each of the license types recently expired and I pointed our our actual license key to our central server which currently has a configuration including only 2 power users.  It was then that I realized the limitations between Power and Lite + Users.  The main area of concern being the ability to save changes within a Capsule/DataView/Layout as a Lite + user or saving a new version of the capsule locally, creating a written procedure, or any other potential work around. 


    I was simply curious if anyone had ever encountered this issue before but I will explore the HTML5 and Pinboard options that you previously mentioned.


    Thanks again Alexander Kappes!


    Ford Reid