SQL ODBC Data Reader Cause Primary Key and Index Corruption?



For the past week now we have been experiencing issues with our CRM's SQL Server and several instances where our primary key and indexes have corrupted on our production server.  I'm currently using a series of SQL ODBC connectors via BOARD's data readers on one of our replication servers(not on production).  This morning when I restarted services on our central BOARD server and was doing an incremental refresh, the primary keys and indexes began corrupting almost immediately.  I've since stopped services again until support can join on a call outside of operation hours where we can replicate the issue.


Does anyone know of any issues with the BOARD native ODBC connections or hear of any issue like this before?


Any assistance with this is greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

Ford Reid


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Ford Reid!

    Did you have any possibility of narrowing this down to a specific DataReader or do all your DataReaders show this behaviour? Next thing would be to analyze your SQL-statement(s) (on maybe a different database/server).

    My first assumption would be that the connection itself is causing this--did you check the parameter settings?


    Kind Reagrds,


  • Thank you Helmut Heimann!


    I believe your assumption is spot on.  Odeta Pine from BOARD was on site with us last week and noticed some latency whenever we would try to connect to our SQL Server, before we even tried to load data into the cubes.  Also, some of the tables we were connecting to wouldn't load completely, several fields would be missing that were showing there originally.


    Thank you!

    Ford Reid

  • Dear Ford,


    have you tried to activate the SQL Server Profiler and check the calls made by Board to confirm the issue is Board-related? Board launches SELECT statement only which do not affect indexes nor alter tables.

    The other thing is to make sure the data readers do not contain Manual SQL statements executing procedures. In such a case, you need to correct the data reader or the SQL Procedure retrieved.


