Full Year Cube



I have a monthly report driven by month entity and I want to have a cube to show a Full Year budget for the year from Jan-Dec.  Although I can use a Reference To 'Year' function which only set it to a static year, I want it to be dynamic so when navgating through the month into next year the Full Year budget figure changes.


What would be the best approach to achieve this and how?


  • Samuele Marchetto
    Samuele Marchetto Active Partner
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Likes

    in mine opinion, the easiest way to do that is to create a cube of budget (BDG by Year) structured by Year and fill it copying data from monthly budget cube. When you select one or more months (example Dec. 2017), the "BDG by Year" cube shows figures for entire year 2017.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    I agree with Samuele Marchetto that the cube with Year is a good place to start. Here are some other ideas that might help.


    • If you track a current month and current year in the system, you could populate the budget cube nightly based on those current month and current year markers
    • If you want to change when the next year appears, you could play with the offset property in the budget year block
  • Thank you very much Samuele Marchetto.  I have create a new cube and dataflow and it seems to be working perfectly.