select on higher level in hierarchy

Hello all,

I have this dataview where the products are on the rows.


There are a couple of columns that are higher level entities:



Now there's always the possibility to select by the rows' axis in the context menu of the dataview.



I would like to expand that feature, by means of procedures, and build a context menu like the following:




Now the first one is done easily. It's just a two step procedure with "Apply selection to screen" and "Refresh screen".


Is there a way to make a selection broader? In my example instead of filtering on the product, filtering instead on the product group. Product and product group are part of the same tree.


BR, Ray



  • Miguel Angel Sisternas Seaton
    edited March 2020

    Maybe i didn't understand your question but cant you use a pager for the high level of the dimension / entity tree (product group)? That would filter all products within that group. If not, why?


    Also i am not sure if you know but you can do multiple tree selections within the selector object in a screen.



  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Hi Ray Martens,


    A 4 step procedure should do it :

    1. Select entity "Product Group"  based on cube in "Keep Mode"

    •    For the cube use the one in your dataview

    2. Remove selection on "Product"

    3. Apply selection to screen

    4. Refresh screen


    Tested it quickly and it seems to work fine.




  • Hi Miguel Angel Sisternas Seaton,

    The idea was that using the procedures I directly have the context of the row. The user sees what is going to be filtered without having to use another element on the page.

    BR, Ray

  • Hi Nicolas CHIGROS,

    now that's a clever trick! Thanks!


    Can it be said, that your solution is kind of like the The Focus function ?


    BR, Ray

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Yes, kind of