Design of a waterfall chart ?

Hi Guys,


I’m struggling with the design of the following waterfall (cf. image attached).
It has been done with Excel, and I’d like to do the same in Board, but haven’t found yet how to do it.


So basically, on the right of the chart I have the group cumulated turnover for January 2016 to Month M 2016 and on the left its cumulated turnover for January 2017 to Month M 2017. (= the 2 blue bars).


On the chart, between these 2 turnovers, there is for each company of the group the difference between the cumulated turnover for January 2016 to M 2016 and the cumulated turnover for January 2017 to M 2017).
These differences are ranked in a descending order.


I’ve managed to display properly the differences but I can’t add the cumulated group turnovers next to them (one at each end).
Can you help me with that please ?


Also, in a second time, I should only keep the 3 best and the 3 worst companies of the group and gather all the other companies in one single bar (cf. image2 attached).
I’m not sure how to do that. I’d also like some help on this…


Thanks in advance !


Accepted Answer

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓



    please have a look on the Inspiration Changing Colors of Bars in a Waterfall Chart from Johannes Blischke

    Maybe it answers some of your questions





  • Gerrit Kohrs
    Gerrit Kohrs Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Up Votes 10 Comments 25 Likes

    Hi Aurore Lb,


    what I usually do to create these kinds of "special" waterfalls, is introduce a new dedicated entity that contains all the single elements I want to display. I create a cube with this new entity and populate it using a procedure where I always select one entity menber, run a dataflow, select the next member...etc.

    It's probably not the easiest way, but it works even for the more crazy requirements.


    Kind regards,



    waterfall chart

  • Hi Bjorn,


    This is very helpful thanks.  Does all of this functionality apply to version 11 also?





  • Adam Elvin
    Adam Elvin Employee
    10 Comments 25 Up Votes Second Anniversary 5 Likes
    edited March 2020

    I have a question on the waterfall chart, I haven't built too many in Board. I have a simple cube as you have described of one entity with the categories that I need starting with opening EBITDA on the left and closing EBITDA on the right with the movements in between, it is basically the difference between two versions.  I have a procedure that runs to populate and I can select the two versions that I want to compare and it works well.  All I want to do is change the colour of the first and last columns so that they are the Grey, i.e. not showing as red or green.  Is this possible in the chart settings at all?  Thanks


  • Gerrit Kohrs
    Gerrit Kohrs Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Up Votes 10 Comments 25 Likes
    edited March 2020

    Hi Adam Elvin,


    you could add an algorithm, that only returns a value for the first entity member "opening EBITDA", uncheck the row totals-option, set Summary Algorithm to "calculated" and assign a different colour in the legend. 


    a: Value cube

    b: Entity you used on the axis

    c: if(b="opening EBITDA";a;0)   -> I'd use the entity code, though 


    Since the last column is the total, you can simply change the colour for the grand total and make positve and negative the same.




    The result should look something like this:




    (Sorry for the german entity names - didn't have time for an international example... )


    Kind regards,


  • Wonderful, Thank you Gerrit Kohrs  @SDG Group