Problem filttring on a cube



I have a cube Reporting Group with 3 dimensions : Month, Company and Group chart of accounts[R].


Group chart of accounts[R] is the replicate of Group chart of accounts which is in the following hierarchy :

                                                                     |------  Company

General Ledger --- Local chart of accounts

                                                                     |------  Group chart of accounts ---- Account Category



I created a dataview with Group chart of accounts[R] by row. I selected a specific month and then tried to filter by Company.

When all the companies are selected I've got the correct values. However, when I select a company, the data displayed in the dataview is not updated : I still have the total values.


I tried to add Company in the row axis and it worked fine (e.g. I got the values of the selected company). Nevertheless I need to be able to display both the sum of the values of all the companies, and the values of a specific company. So having Company in the row axis is not a solution that works in that case.


Can you help me with that ?


Thanks in advance,





  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Aurore Lb,


    I would think that you are missing some relations in your hierarchy. Did you define an allocation between the original and the replicated entity as described in this document BOARD Replicated [R] Entities - How to use them or/and did you replicate the complete hierarchy?


    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Helmut,


    Thanks for your answer. 

    I didn't replicate the complete hierarchy as I needed to apply some rules on Group Chart of Account [R] (which can only be done if it is a leaf.)

    Do you know why I can't filter the data according to companies whereas it is a dimension of the cube ?


    Best regards,


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Aurore Lb,


    the filtering technique in BOARD makes use of the hierarchies defined in your relationship model. If your replicated entity has no relationship to the entity you want to use as filter, the members of the replicated entity will not be used in the DataView--that's why you'll only get the totals.


    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Helmut Heimann,


    Thanks for the explanation. 


                                                                         |------  Company

    General Ledger --- Local chart of accounts

                                                                         |------  Group chart of accounts ---- Account Category


    As you can see in the hierarchy, companies are above local charts of accounts. There is no direct relationship between Company and Group chart of accounts. So I'm not sure how to do it.


    Could you explain to me the way I should proceed in this case ?


    Thanks in advance,



  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Aurore Lb,


    the relationship will be computed from company via Local chart of accounts. The system analyzes the tree from Company down to General Ledger/Local chart of accounts and from there up to Group chart of accounts.

    Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,


  • Hi Helmut Heimann,


    So if I understood correctly I should create a matrix to map the members of Group chart of accounts with those of Group Chart of accounts [R] in order to be able to get the relationship between it and Company.

    Is that correct ?





  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    to speak with Yoda "correct, that is" ;-)

    Yes Aurore Lb, that's why I asked whether you'd built up an allocation as  BOARD Replicated [R] Entities - How to use them describes.

  • Hello,


    If i understand properly,

      1. you have one hierarchy

                                                                             |------>  Company

        General Ledger ---> Local chart of accounts

                                                                             |------>  Group chart of accounts |----> Account Category

      2. and then you replicated the entity Group chart of accounts, which created the Group chart of accounts [R] entity.
      3. Then you have one cube structured by the entities {month;Group chart of accounts [R]}


    in this situation, selecting member of the entity Company has no impact on the members of Group chart of accounts [R]. because they do not belong to the same hierarchy.

    If you wish to select a few companies and impact the entity Group chart of accounts [R] i see the option to replicate the whole account hierarchy. This happens when you replicate the lowest-level entity of the tree, in your case General Ledger. However, you should reflect a lot and be very careful before doing this, since it appears that you already replicated one entity of the tree, have at least a cube structured by this entity. I guess you will need first to delete the entity Group chart of accounts [R] which may have consequences on existing cubes, screens, procedures, whatever is currently using this entity.

    I don't know how to manage replicated entities and hierarchies when the original hierarchy is changed (add new entities, delete entities, rename entities) after the replication.

    In a comment of the resource document called "BOARD Replicated [R] Entities - How to use them", i asked this question already. This comment has not received an answer yet...

  • :-)

    Ok, so I'm going to try that, and I'll let you know whether I manage to get the result I need.