Postfix in donut-chart | cube ignoring layout selection

Previous Member
edited April 2020 in Platform

Hello there ! 


The first question is quite simple, but I cant find the solution for. 


image I want a "€" Postfix for this value..i´ve tried with axes postfix and layout format                                                             postfix nothing worked .


Second question.


I have a layout with two cubes. I also have a layout selection for one of those cubes. Problem now is, the second cube is also effected by the layout selection but it should´nt. How can I manage that ? 


Thanks for your help and have a nice thursday ! 


Kind regards 


Antoni Theodorou


  • Miguel Angel Sisternas Seaton
    edited March 2020



    To your first question I think the standard function doesn't work in graphs.

    To your second question you can select in the layout (affects all the layout 1) or by double click block then references and this affects the block (2)

  • Björn Reuber



    you can simply solve it using a rule with . before the code (Defining a Rule ). Then it's refering toi the Block (not column) before the value.

     The column offset. This operator allows you to define a formula that refers to a previous column on the Layout. Normally, Rule formulas are calculations between cells located in the same column. The block offset allows you to refer to any cell on a previous column. A column offset is indicated by a dot (character ”.”) prior to the member code. For example, the formula =[.C01] refers to the cell on row C01 and one column to the left. This function avoids recursive resolution of formulas which refer to other calculated cells.

    then you only need your block at lest wice in the layout (as block a without rule and with a time offset) and as block b with the rule


