Dataview on web not Sequential

Hi All,


I have some problem about dataview on web version. When I am trying scroll dataview to the right, the data are sequential, but when I turn back to the left, the data are not sequential. Its like suddenly while user trying to scroll, it will jump to random column. Any advise ??



Attach 1

When I scroll this dataview to right, the data are sequential.



Attach 2

When I turn back to the left, the data jump to another random column. As you can see the dataview, when I am trying scroll to the left it should be "2019WK20, 2019WK19, 2019WK18", but suddenly like "2018WK20, 2018WK19, 2018WK18"  the column are not sequential




  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Hi Chrisyan,

    Can you specify the BOARD version you are using?
    Honestly, based on the screenshots, I can't see what is not sequential. It just jumps immediately from 2019 to 2018? Can you please elaborate a little bit more?
