Data flow from Parent to Child Entity Not Working

Hi Everyone,


I am faced with a problem regarding allocation of a value from a parent to a child entity which does not seem to work. Hope that someone can provide me with some insights.


I am trying to flow data from a parent entity called Product Group to a child entity called Product. 

Relationship: Product ---- Product Group


I am using the following cubes.


Cube A:                              Cube B: 

Month (D)                           Month (D)

Scenario (D)                       Scenario (D)

Product Group (S)              Product (S)

Profit Center (S)                 Profit Center (S)

Accounts (S)                      Accounts (S)


Dataflow: B=A.


The result that I am expecting is for whatever data is available at Product Group Level to be replicated and pushed down to the relevant Products within the respective Product Groups. However, execution of this data flow does not flow any data into cube B (I have tried running dataflow with Open Sparsity too, but to no avail). 


Next, I have tried changing Product entity in cube B from sparse to dense.


Cube A:                              Cube B: 

Month (D)                           Month (D)

Scenario (D)                       Scenario (D)

Product Group (S)              Product (D)

Profit Center (S)                 Profit Center (S)

PC Accounts (S)                PC Accounts (S)


Dataflow: B=A.


The Dataflow can be executed. However, all amounts at Product Group level are replicated and flowed into all products in the system, even to Products which are not children of that Product Group, which I do not expect to happen.







Image 1 shows that the amount 0.58 that is supposed to be allocated to products within product group F0500.

Image 2 shows that the amount 0.58 is not just allocated to products within F0500, but also other products which are not even in product group F0500.


I have also tested a simple dataflow of a cube of Month x Product Group to Month x Product, and the data flow works exactly like how I expected it to be.


Thank you in advance, if anyone could enlighten me on what is causing this behaviour.



  • Dear Derek Koh,


    thanks for your request.


    For general your second approach should work as expected.


    Can you please check your relationships for general and specially inside your product tree and normalize / correct them if necessary.


    Alternatively and depending to the amount of product groups you can also go forwared executing the dataflow several times with preselection for one product group only before each dataflow step. Doing so you just have selected the target products.


    Hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes

  • Previous Member
    edited March 2020

    Hi Alexander, 


    Thank you so much for your reply.


    I agree with you that the second approach should work as expected, but it is not. I have also checked the relationships within the product tree and nothing seems unusual (to me).


    I did solve the product by multiplying my target cube B with a matrix of (Product x Profit Centers) which only contains the combinations of products which should appear in their respective profit centers. Hence, I am able to filter away all the products which are not supposed to be present in the profit centers.


    Cube B:                           Matrix: Product x Profit Centre

    Month (D)                        Product (S)

    Scenario (D)                    Profit Center (S)

    Product (D)

    Profit Center (S)

    PC Accounts (S)




    Thank you!