database empty or unavailable

Dear community


Since a couple of days I have some data readers that stopped working.

They are supposed to read data from a database via ODBC connection.

When I open one of them and try to connect, I get the following message: database empty or unavailable.

So far we checked if the password which the data reader uses to log on to the database had changed and it hasnt.

Has anyone had this problem before? How did you solve it?


Best regards


Xavier Vanderlynden


  • Felix Cazalis
    Felix Cazalis Active Partner
    Second Anniversary First Comment



    I had the same issue a while ago. I relsoved it by changing the Board Engine's logon user. To check the logon user: open the Services as Administrator, look for Board engine, right click an select properties and finally change the logon user for a user that can acces the db for which you created the ODBC connection.



  • Federico Cazzalini
    edited March 2020

    Hello xavier vanderlynden,

    as Felix Cazalis suggested, usually if data-readers stop to work the reason is outside Board itself.

    check permissions for the user inserted in ODBC configuration and also for the user assigned to the Board Engine process.


    You can also open, after the error message, the window "Open SQL Log"


    If you need more help, my suggestion is to open a ticket in the Board Support Portal


    hope this helps,
