Is it possible to kick off Board (Cloud) Data Loader using powershell?

Hi guys,


I have a client who runs BOARD in the cloud and am trying to trigger a Stored procedure (Data Loader) using a PowerShell script which i would like to schedule using the clients enterprise scheduling software. Would this be possible? If not, what would be an alternate solution?


Alternatively if there was a file listener type option on Board, which would check for a file being loaded to the Azure file storage location, and then automatically load it.




  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    you got different options:

    - use a board client for starting the Dataload (outdated) -> if the target screen got a on open Trigger, this procedure will be executed: Opening a capsule from command line 

    - use the BOARD Procedure Launcher (need a installed BOARD Server cause the Procedure launcer is allways bundled with the server, no additional license is needed): BOARD Procedure Launcher 


    With one of this 2 ways you're able to start a BOARD Procuredure using a CMD (PowerShell should also be possible) (I would use the 2nd one)




  • Hi, Bjorn, 

    as you correctly pointed out, using the BoardClient is not adviseable. The BoardClient was not designed to be launched by a scheduler or batch, in fact often it is not compatible with schedulers - generally (always) they run as services any may not have privileges to create a desktop.


    The ProcedureLauncher.exe program was specifically built for the purpose of having a command-line client which can be scheduled or used in a batch program with any third-party scheduling system.

    The BoardProcedureLauncher.exe is synchronous this means that when you launch it, it will trigger a procedure on the BoardServer and it will not close until the procedure on the BoardServer has completed.

    When BoardProcedureLauncher.exe closes, it will return an exit code to the caller (your batch or powershell script) , where 

    0 --> Program successfully completed

    1 --> Program completed with an error. The details of the error are set in the errorlevel variable - %errorlevel%.


    The BoardProcedureLauncher.exe program is installed by the BoardServer installer package, you will find it under the default path: 

    C:\Program Files\Board\Board Server\Tools

    As Björn Reuber mentioned it doesn't require any additional license, it will log-in using one of your Board accounts when connecting to the BoardServer


    Best, Pietro

  • Hi Greg Wilson

    with regards to your second question: "... is there a listener that will watch a folder on the storage and triggers the dataload when a new file is found", 

    the answer is, no, this feature doesn't exist at the moment but it's something we'll be adding to the platform, it's in the to-do bucket, not yet planned though. 


    BR, Pietro

  • Hi Pietro Ferrari & Björn Reuber

    Thank you for your replys. 


    Looks like the only option is to use BoardClient as there is no on premise Board Server and therefore no BoardProcedureLauncher.exe.


    Hopefully we can get the BoardClient solution working.

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers

    Hi Greg Wilson,


    you doesnt need an on Premise BOARD server. You can also install the server only to use the Procedure Launcher (instead of installing the BOARD Client) on any device within the customers network (doesnt have to be a server). Cause we strongly suggest to use the solution with the Procedure Launcher, instead of the BOARD Client (cause of the reasons Pietro Ferrari mentioned).




  • Hi Björn Reuber


    I understand now. We will install BoardServer on one of the servers this side and use the procedure launcher. 


    Thank you for clearing that up. 

  • As an alternative you can use a powershell script to write data to the azure storage explorer and in Board you use the data reader to import the data.


    best regards,

