Overriding Board total for specific Dataview items

This is probably a stupid question, so I apologize in advance.

I am building a Dataview for an income statement where months are shown as columns with an annual total. Some of the members of the income statement represent headcount data where the "total" for the year should be the last month value, while of course the financial data should be totaled. 


I've searched in the forums and haven't found something quite of point, and am a bit stuck Any recommendations would be much appreciated.


Accepted Answer

  • Dietmar Jeschkeit
    Dietmar Jeschkeit Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Mike Martin,


    in Addition to what Alexander Kappes said you can solve it without using nexel.


    Your first block (a) has to be detailed by month, there is no entity by column in the dataview. The next block (b) is from type entity and it is your entity by row (e.g. the code). Then you have your value cube without detailed by but set to function last value (so it will show the last value from the time you selected) - block c.

    Now your last block is an algorithm where you can use a if statement to choose either the block a or c depending on the Entity Code in block b.


    Here a screenshot:



    Hope it helps





  • Alexander Kappes
    Alexander Kappes Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers
    edited March 2020

    Dear Mike Martin,


    thanks for your request.


    Using the Client itself I think the most easy solution will be using Nexel. All about Nexel you can find here: Nexel 


    The solution can look like:


    1. You disable the row total for your datablock.

    2. You insert an algorithm with Nexel "Deepest Entity Rule"

    3. Inside Nexel Editor you have to calculate each single row manually.




    Hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes

  • Dietmar,


    This solution worked exceptionally well. As there are also some percentage calculations in this income statement that had to be calculated on the annual total, I had to add an additional block representing the annual total. That way for the rows needing last value I was able to use the last value block, and for those requiring the calculation on the annual total, that particular block.


    Well done, Deitmar!

  • Thanks Mike,


    if block a is detailed by month and the algorithm choose block a it is automatically the total of block a. So if you select one year on the screen it is the annual total. So no need for another block.


