"The given key was not present in the dictionary" error

Hi community,
The following error message shows up when trying to access a specific database:
"The given key was not present in the dictionary".
It is not possible to access the DB, and the capsule linked to it can't retrieve any data. Can anyone tell me what's the root cause of this error? Thanks.
Accepted Answer
Hi Ricard,
i have experienced myself this error once, and it was related to some changes i had applied to the database not being retained or saved correctly.
This happened in our development environment and we managed to resolve it by identifying (from the database logs) that some changes (an entity had been deleted) had been applied to the database.
This specific entity was used in multiple dynamic selections in screens, so we restored a previously taken backup and all has been resolved.
I found very useful going through the Deleting Entity Elements article as well because it also helped me understand the impacts of entity deletion.
Hope this helps
Hi Ricard,
do you know whether an "user" entity is use in the specific database?
If so, my best guess is that your security profile uses a selection in the security wich says user=@user. However, it seems that the user entity (in BOARD DB) itself is not containing your user and therefore, your user has to be added as an entity member.
Hope this helps.
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Hello Ricard,
i have also once experienced this error message and i resolved it by checking all the relationships as there were some elements of hierarchies which were not related to others and hierarchies were therefore "missing relationships".
I have normalized all trees, checked for missing relationships, corrected any missing link and resolved the item.
I have also found Troubleshoot: effect of missing relationships very interesting because it helped me preventing this in the future.
Hope this helped you
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I have had this problem I restored a backup and that sorted it, however, it occurred again later and restoring the same backup does not appear to have resolved the issue
As I can't access the database I am unable to see if there are missing relationships etc
Does anyone have any ideas ?
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This might be due to a metadata in RAM which is not up to date after a modification, did you try unloading / reloading the DB ? Or restarting the service ?