There is a 3D cube having dimensions (x, y,month)
if there are 10 x under 1 y and 1 month
how to find minimum of 10 x values for 1 y and 1 month
and then the minimum value calculated for 10 x for 1 y and 1 month flow into a cube of 2D y and month
Dear swathi mp,
Min Value from Analytical Functions should help you:
Thank u for the suggestion, but analytical functions helps for time
entities not normal entities as far i know,
Correct me if i am wrong
On Thu, 15 Aug 2019, 11:15 am heheimann, <>
yes, you'e right.
But if you only want to get a 2 dim Minimim/Maximum you could use nexel with Min and Max function . This can also be used in a procedure
But keep in mind, that a 3 dim Cube can have different local min/max, global Min/max depending on the dimensions you're choosing.
Thank u for the suggestion
On Thu, 15 Aug 2019, 12:07 pm breuber, <>
Hi swathi mp,
Hi Leone,
from my experience, analytical functions only work in combination with time entities. Therefore in this given example you would only find the minimum value of all months, but not the minimum value for the 10 entries of entity "x".
Apart from Nexel, there are two things you could try:
OPTION A: Textfile export
Export a layout with 3D-Cube to CSV-File using the TOP1-Option
This is the file you get:
Now you can load this result into the 2D-Cube.
Create a ROLAP-Cube with the same entities as the 3D-Cube, build a view in SQL where you pick out the minimum values and either load the result via datareader back into your 2D-Cube or make the 2D-Cube ROLAP as well and as data source use your newly created view (which will only work if data entry is not allowed).
Hope this helps - looking forward to your feedback.
Kind regards,
Hi Gerrit,
Thank you for your response, both options helped me a lot.
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 2:09 PM <
Excellent, happy to hear that!
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