There is anyway to hide and display the cubes in the dataview on the screen based on selection

i want to know is there any method to show only particular cubes in the dataview layout for few selection and display all the cubes in the layout for rest of the selection, that too in a single screen.


  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    you can use 2 different DV and use the Hide Option from Layout. For this you only need a cube, which control this, so either DV A or DV B is shown.




  • Hi swathi mp,


    maybe you could explain it a bit more detailed. One dataview following the selection of the screen an the other dataview showing the rest ? Then you have to use the "inner" selection of the layout or you can use the procedure step "apply selection to block".