Error: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Hey everyone.
I have the bove mentioned Error massage in our web client and cannot finde the reason for it.
The funktion of the screen is obersioly not harmed by this. But the massage comes up every time we open the screen.
Any ideas what the reason is?
Dear Jörn Constabel,
can you please provide some more informations about the issue.
Does the warining occur for all or just for special users?
There are several reasons why such problem may occur.
Does the message occur since some special change in the screen or since it was published?
Did you try to investigate if it is belonging to some of the layouts, the screen selections?thanks for some informations
Alexander Kappes1 -
Hey Alexnader,
thanks a lot! I solved it.
"Layouts" was the keyword for me. Ich checked all layouts and found the error. The problems was, that I wanted to hide a label based an a layout. This works fine as long as you don't try to hide the specific block in the layout. I hide the block because I don't wanted to have a "1" showing on my label.
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Dear Jörn Constabel,
thanks for the request.
To disable the "1" you can also insert some text algorithm with "" as syntax and show this instead the cube.
Using this in general you didn´t have to hide any block inside your label or button layout.
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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Hi Alexander,
I'm not sure if I understand this right.
My lable has the following layout:
Block "a" is hidden. But the lyout still shows "1" and the Error massage came back.
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Dear Jörn Constabel,
you Label Configuration has to look like this:
The Algorithm has to been set to Show Value that nothing is shown inside the label. Please don´t forget to insert a space between the quotes (" ").
Using that configuration you didn´t have to hide any block.
hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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