Reset Selection after Drill to Screen

Hi there,


I have a short question.

I'm using the "drill to screen" function to drill down from a chart to a screen showing some detailed data.

After the drill to screen, my target screen shows the specific selection which was selected in the chart.


In this target screen I want my user to change the selection with a pager. 

Unforunately, the page is only showing one entity item (the one which was selected in the chart from my starting screen). 


How can I set my pager to the selected entity item from my starting screen but also proved the full list of entity items in my drilled to screen?





  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    due to the fact, that you're doing a Drill to Screen the Element is overgiven as a Selection and not as a Pager (Select is "stronger" than a pager). So the easiest way would be to add Button with a Procedure to the screen to Remove the selection from the element (Step 1 Remove Selection on Entity| Step 2 Apply Selection to current Screen| Step 3 Refresh Screen)




  • Thanks, Björn.

