No Data in Web


Hi together,


we are in trouble with a - for us - unexplainable error in the web client.

Since we updated from 10.1 to 10.3 screen do not show data. The Win Client ist working fine. It is just the web client which shows a picture like this: 


The strange thing is, that the selectors are selected all entities. If the user change the selction manuelly the screen shows data. If the user resets the selector after the manuel change the screen is also showing the right data. It the user opens the screen again not data will be shown. 

In most of our screens we are using dynamic selections. And most of oyur screens are mutli database screens. 


Currently, the only way to fix this issue for short time (approximatly for 12h) is to restart the server engines. 


Further, we cannot detect one spezific secreen or capsule. The error could hit every screen.


Has some an idea why this happens and how we can solve it? 






  • Alexander Kappes

    Dear Jörn Constabel,


    your problem sounds really strange.


    First I thought, that one of the used layouts has problems and therefore the rest isn´t executed as well.


    But when you are writing that all Screens are involved, did you check if the involved screens have selections to the same trees? Are this trees managed fine (no missing relations)?


    Let me know




    Alexander Kappes

  • Jörn Constabel

    Dear Alexander Kappes,


    last week I had a look with Felix Csanady on our database. He reconized that we had used two entitie tress for time in one of our databases. 

    I changed this and since then this no error come up.

    The only thing I'm wondering is, that also screens which did not use the effected database did not work.

    But for now it seems that all screens are working corretly.




