Log Management Application : any update ?

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask the question to Antonio Speca during our Board 11 meeting, but this was question n°10 and I did not have time to ask all 11


The question is : a "Log Management Application", which I find quite useful, was released a long time ago and a version of it was installed for us when we were using the cloud. I took this application for our on premises install, and made a few customizations.

However the architecture of the app is a bit old, and it does not take into account all the new logging features, especially for the web logs and data entry logs (and I see some interesting features in 10.1.3 and 10.1.4 on this topic).


So is there any update on this app and / or any planned update ? If yes how can we obtain this app ?





  • Hello Etienne,


    Nice to listen to the final question.

    The LMA application is not part of the toolkit itself, but we mantain it with the new logs as soon as they are ready.

    You may assume that the LMA will be updated with the new logs as soon as they will come out.

  • Thanks Antonio Speca  This means there is already a current version for 10.1.4 ? Where is it available ?

  • Hi Antonio Speca, now that we have upgraded to 10.1.4 I'm looking for the LMA update, is it something I should request through a support ticket ?

  • Ana Diéguez
    Ana Diéguez Active Partner
    5 Up Votes First Comment Second Anniversary

    Hi Etienne CAUSSE, did you finally get any update on this?




  • Hi Ana Diéguez, no answer so far. I'm still maintaining the old version but I'm missing the new logs.

    Antonio Speca, Pietro Ferrari any new version available ? Maybe for 10.5 / 11 ?

  • Ana Diéguez
    Ana Diéguez Active Partner
    5 Up Votes First Comment Second Anniversary

    Thanks Etienne CAUSSE!


    Yesterday I submitted a ticket about this topic and unfortunately there are no updates for the Log Analyzer Application. Maybe they will update it in the future, mapping all new logs and creating new screens, but it is not planned.

  • The LMA Application will create logs and record recent activities such as User Access, Operations, and System Loads. To ensure these logs are records, go to System Administration > Log Settings > Verify every log event is checked off.