Date entity as String

Hello everyone , i'd like to know if there is a way to add an entity in date hierarchy that accepts String , i wanna do that beacuse i'm trying to upload a table that possesses a column which contains "YTD or TYG" so when i try to load it i get "0" and that because i have to put a date format -_-
Thank you for your help !
Hi Fethi Zerara,
you could add a custom time dimension to the date time-herarchy but, I don't think that will solve your problem since you would have to build up appropriate relationships for this new entity in your time-hierarchy and to which date would you want to connect "YTD" (define a relation)?
BOARD already gives you the opportunity to calculate with YTD values using the appropriate funktion in the DataView configuration as shown here:
If you want to load already accumulated values (which I suppose, you want to do) you would have to load those values to the last day of the period (e.g. the last day of the year), probably using ETL to achieve this.
Hope, this helps!