Load CSV using ASCII when there is missing data


I receive a daily CSV from a third party. The first row is the column header, the first 5 columns always have data and the next two columns only occasionally have data. When I load using ASCII data reader, I can't load columns 6 and 7 because the first row of actual data is almost always blank for these columns. If I re-order the CSV by column 6 or 7, it will load as required. But because it comes from a third party, I can't automatically have it ordered this way.

I have tried to load with 'first row contains headers' not ticked - knowing that it will reject the first row as "Day" is not a valid day field. Whilst this option gives me the chance to specify Field#6 and Field#7, for the next row it reverts to there being only 5 possible fields.

Is there a way around this problem?





  • Alessio Biondi
    Alessio Biondi Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Up Votes Board Developer

    You could try some tricks over the txt file.

    The final purpose is to add a proper heading to the file. You could achieve this by:

    1. preparing a proper heading file, which will have always the correct headers
    2. setting a batch file that executes a merge of your heading file and the data file you receive
      see xcopy dos syntax for details Xcopy - Copy files and folders - Windows CMD - SS64.com 
    3. linking Board to read the new file generated in this way
    4. adding the batch file to the procedure before the ascii datareader


    I don't know an easy way to delete the first row of your actual data using dos commands: you can always rely on the fact that this row will be discarded by Board, as you said.

  • Thank you for your suggestions.

    Unfortunately the row length is variable so using character ranges isn't applicable.

  • Not sure you if you tried ETL to find a workaround. 


    There are a couple of things you can try in ETL (a) Use Validation Condition to skip the row if you want to ignore a row (b) Use a formula to set a default value for the column where data is missing. 

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    which BOARD version did you use (and did your DataReader contain an ETL)? Cause in 10.1.3 there were some optimization regarding  NULL Values and ETL




  • Thanks Bjorn. Upgrading to v10.x soon so will test it out.