Documentation EXCEL-ADD-IN

So, I'm about to take a closer look at the EXCEL-ADD-IN from Board.
At first sight what's offered is rather disappointing! A handful of more or less powerful VBA functions, I could live with that, then I build them myself. My "old" MIK software already had much more to offer. And that was more than 15 years ago!
But what is an absolute NO-GO: The documentation. This seems to be a common thread right down to the last corner of the software. Beside the (sparse) online help I just found ONE document (Excel-Macros [Build in 2012] in which the ADD-IN is tried to explain, at least rudimentarily. Besides there is actually ONE other pdf-document (Excel-ADD-IN-Function [Build in 2014] which definitely doesn't deserve the name helpful!
Okay, there is probably a lot of frustration on my side now. I had promised myself much more, and: I was promised much more!
To get to the point: Does anyone have DETAILED information about the Excel-Add-In beyond the files I mentioned?
Or there are REALLY only three EXCEL functions (Bcube, SetSelection, SetSelectionwithRefresh) besides the six VBA functions and six layout functions.
And: Who can describe to me the item Functions in Bcube (DBName; CubeName; Coordinates; Functions)?
Well, I had to figure that out.
Hi Dirk,
Interesting to hear your feedback regarding Board VBA Excel add-in, I have done only one Board VBA integration so far but this is what I would like to share.
All commands were sufficient to build what we needed. For example, when BCUBE function didn't provide the functionality we were looking for, then Board ADD-IN filled the gaps. It lets user to use BOARD dataview layouts in Excel just like in Board application. There you can use all slicing, dicing, filtering, sorting, apply algorithms, use flattened views and have multiple selections using "=SetSelection" function referencing the cells in Excel etc.
I can agree that documentation is short, hasn't been updated for a while and BCUBE function has its limitations. It would be interesting to hear if somebody has more information about its functions.
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Hi Dirk
Or there are REALLY only three EXCEL functions (Bcube, SetSelection, SetSelectionwithRefresh) besides the six VBA functions and six layout functions.
Yes there arent other function. Which kind of function are you missing
And: Who can describe to me the item Functions in Bcube (DBName; CubeName; Coordinates; Functions)?
DBName: Name of your BOARD DB (Cause Bcube doesnt use a layout it needs to know on which db it is running)
Cubename: Name of the Ciube you want to get data from
Coordinates: Current selection (cause normaly you only want to get a certain slice of data)
Functions: optional parameter to choose a timefuinction:
- Previous Year = “PY“
- Previous Period Value = “PP“
- Yearly Cumulated Value = “YCV“
- Yearly Moving Total = “YMT“
- Yealry Moving Average = “YMA“
- Last Value = “lastvalue“
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Hello Edgars Kancans, Hello Björn Reuber
At First: Thank you for your feedback on EXCEL-ADD-IN.
With the information to the topic bcube(...;functions) I am helped in any case already times!
Björn Reuber: I can hardly answer your question about missing functions here. To make it short: There are a lot of them! I am used to MIK for a variety of different functions on the topics of structures, i.e. entities, business functions, usability, etc. Accordingly my disappointment about the small extent here in the BOARD-EXCEL-ADD-IN was quite big.
So, thanks again for the info!Dirk
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I know this wasn't specifically asked in the thread here, but in the event someone is wondering you can include multiple coordinates within the BCUBE formula both statically and dynamically.
Static based on Year and GL Account assuming K2 holds the Database and K3 holds the Cube Name: =BCUBE(K2,K3,"GL Account=40001000; Year=2022")
Dynamically assuming column J is holding name of the entity and column K is holding the code for the specific entity member:
We can also keep the name of the entity static and only have the codes dynamic with a formula that looks like:
=BCUBE(K2,K3,"Year="&K4&";GL Account="&K5)
Screen-Shot of an example of this:1