PDF functions in the BOARD WEB (10.3)

dirk magerkord
dirk magerkord Customer
Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
edited April 2020 in Platform

My first imrpressions:


Nice! This is a promising update!

The update itself was easy, except for the topic: Upgrading to 10.3


First of all: Many good approaches. Creating a PDF from a single DATAVIEW works. That's nice.
But the devil is in the detail!


What I have noticed so far (in a hurry):

  • The representation of the number format on the web differs from that in the PDF (different number formats, i.e. decimal separators) Is this a problem for the German-speaking world?



  • The same applies to graphic elements.


(This was already the case in the previous versions. There should be a solution for this, right?)


  • Creating a PDF from a web page, i.e. adding elements from tables and/or graphics is incorrect (at least for me).  It is not possible to select individual folder pages; instead, the first folder page is always included in the PDF report. It is not possible to select a page further back. Can anyone confrim this?


  • A drill-down to detail data records is unfortunately still not to be sorted numerically (for numerical values) but only alphanumerically. That doesn't make sense.


Okay, this is version 10.3.0, but: For BOARD.com, however, there is still a lot to do to meet its own demands!


Does anyone have a solution to the formatting problems mentioned above?


  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    about regional settings: seems to only occour if you export only on DV, if you have more elements on a side it seems to work (I'll do some further analyzes on this)

    Creating a PDF from a web page: it is possible to have different tabs, just open the tab and choose the elements (believe me, this was one of my test cases for this)


    About the graphics: Yes, same behavior like in previous version, but as far as I know, the fix wasnt announced for 10.3. The problem here is, that it seems to be a problem with the core component, so we're waiting for the components vendor


    about drill down: it should be sorted according to the settings of the entity you are using (so if you drill down to product it should be sorted by product) or if you have a sorting by block its sorted according to the block. Maybe its useufl to save a different drill layout (so that drill laoyut differs from normal layout), but also this shoudl be possible (if you have numbers and not text, cause text is allways sorted alpanumerical)




  • dirk magerkord
    dirk magerkord Customer
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
    edited March 2020

    Hi Björn Reuber,

    First: thanks for your (as always) quick response!

    • about regional settings: You're right! The faulty display is actually only acitve in a single DATAVIEW. In the Page-View, the values are displayed correctly (at least formally). This is probably more due to the fact that the PDF is created as an image and not as a "real" PDF. It's more a Screenshot.
    • Creating a PDF from a web page: You're right again! This also works, albeit a little "tricky". But! It works!!
    • about drill down: Once again, you are right! I said it the wrong way!
      Of course I did NOT mean the DRILL-DOWN but the DRILL-THROUGH!
      Sorting the entities is not the problem. Check! Rather, it is about sorting the facts. These are numerically present and if you look at the picture, then in my opinion it makes little sense to sort it this way! image

    As you can see, it is not possible to sort by the [Betrag] column, because it is only sorted alphanumerically, although numerically. And the user MUST be able to sort in this DRILL-THROUGH!
    Do you have any idea how I can get ahead here?



  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    about Drill Through I can give you 2 answers:

    a) in BOARD there is right now no way to configure/adjust the sorting in Drill Down (for board all values in Drill Through are alpa numerical)

    b) you can configure a default sorting for drill down if you create an already sorted View (in SQL using order by) and use this view in BOARD


