How to put a validation for data entry Block?
I want to put a validation for data entry enabled cube.
Lets take example of the above .
Right Now Grand Total is 100%(I don't want to lock the grand total)
In place of 20% if i add 25% Can we give some alert kind of thing ?
or is there any way can we restrict Cell value(should not be greater then 100) based on grand total ?
Hey Ravichandra Aj
You can have data validation based on other blocks. So you'd just need get a block in your layout that has the total of the % column (DT should do it?), and then use that in your Validation Rule with <= 100
Regarding the alert on a changed value, there's a few other things I'd need to know like how long the alert stays, until the exit/re-enter the screen/capsule, until they click a button, until they enter another value. But I'd start by looking at using a second cube which is auto-populated (via procedure, on screen trigger maybe) which takes a snapshot of the values in the cube when the user starts (click 'save', or enters the screen). You could then use that 'snapshot' cube to compare to the 'new' values they now have for your alerts.
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Brendan Broughton Until they enter another Value .