
I am loading a CSV file (utf-8) with 2 decimals to fill a cube. On the reader and its ETL, the decimals appear properly but once the load is done they don't appear in the cube. In this example, the cube contains the value 2602,00.
In my other CSV files, I see that the decimals are separated by a dot instead of a comma. I have tried to modify the separator in my excel options to have a dot instead of a comma but then the load doesn't work properly and the cube remains empty.
Thank you for your help.
Dear Sébastien Breyne,
your Cube is defined to which type? Is it possible that you are using Integer?
For that reason please use Single or Double (
Otherwise you also can try to multiply your figures by 100 to see if the figures are loaded for that case
hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
2 -
Dear Alexander,
Thank you for your help. I finally figured out a way to have it running properly. Here are the answers to your questions and the solution I used.
My cube is a double (I have tested the data reader when changing it into a single and currency with same result).
I also tested tried to multiply the amount by 100 in the ETL but the amount recorded in the cube still doesn't take the numbers after the comma in its calculation.
2602,84*100 becomes 260200.00
The solution I found:
1. In Excel, File>Options>Advanced. Change the Decimal separator to . and Thousands to ,
When saving the excel into csv. It changes the csv separator to "," (was previously ";").
2. Modify the csv separator in the datareader. (setp I was missing previously I guess)
This might not be the best way to do it but it works.
Thanks again,