Creating differents graphs that was selected by different selector
Hello All,
I would like to ask how to create two or more graphs on the same screen. Also,one graph could be selected by selector as "month" and the other could be selected by "year".E.g. If you clicked "2019/11" in selector, one graph should be shown some entities of "2019/11" and other graph could be shown some entities of "2019/11".
I knew usually all graphs in the screen is affected by selecter.
I've tried to use procedure but I don't know how to organase it.
I've used board ver 11.1.
This question has been marked as 'Answered'. Have you solved your own issue or are you still awaiting a cummunity response? If you've resolved your own issue, you might like to share your solution for any other member to use in the future.
If you have not resolved the issue, there are many routes to a solution. As I do not know the construction of your dataviews, here are a couple of suggestions.
Option 1: ATO
Have you tried creating an ATO panel object and placing your dataview into that? The ATO object allows one to control graphs & tables using pager controls which act only on the target dataview - the one on the ATO panel.
Image 1: ATO Enabled panel object.
Option 2: Cube Control filtering
You could create a few helper 1D cubes. In the first you place the MONTH entity. You place the Year entity in the second. Include these cubes in your dataview and add each to a filter. by using a selector, you can control what each dataview displays.