Select on screen using batch file
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Hello dear team,
Is it possible to open screen, change screen selection and then save the screen using a batch file?
Best regards,
Dear Fatima Faris,
thanks for your request. For general this is working, you can call the BOARD Windows Client by Batch, open defined screens and change the selection, but to be honest I don´t understand the sence of such procedure.
What is your job to do? Perhaps it makes sense to insert dynamic selections into your screens depending to cubes. Dynamic Select
The value of this cubes can be managed e.g. using some central administration screens.
In my opinion the much better and more comfortable way to change selections inside some screens that running a procedure which is doing this job for you.
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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Dear Alexander Kappes,
Thank you for your help.
I will try to explain the purpose of my request;
In the Production environment, we have multiple capsules all based on the same database, essentially the Forecast capsule and Budget capsule wich are exactly the same except that in Forecast capsule, all the selects in screens and procedures are on Period=Forecast, and capsule Budget on Period= Budget.
When modifications are made on Forecast capsule (for example), we copy this Capsule and save it as Budget Capsule (overriding the old) and then we change all the selections manually.
We are looking for a simple way to change the selects after copying a capsule.
My first method was to put screen triggers in all screens based on the same procedure (below)
After copying a capsule, we only need to go to this procedure and change the select on period and all screens will open with the right selection.
This workes but not when using edit mode, the procedure in the trigger doesn't execute.
This is why I'm looking for other solutions for changing selections on screens (as explained) and also in the capsule procedures.
I hope i'm clear. I'm here if you have any further questions.
Thank you,
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Dear Fatima Faris,
thanks for your reply.
To be honest, when it would be my job doing such for general I would only use 1 Capsule.
E.g. you can insert an additional "portal / Start" Screen.
On this the user decides if he wants to see the budget or the forecast clicking on button.
With this button a procedure starts, selects the period and e.g other stuff different between FC and budget and opens the screen in the wished selection.
In my opinione it´s much easier than using redundant capsules.
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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Dear Alexander,
Thank you for your reply.
I will think about this solution and let you know.
You said that it's possible to call the BOARD Windows Client by Batch open defined screens and change the selection.
Do you have an example of code that can do it?
Because for now I only manage to connect to Board ans open the screen i want.
Best regards,
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Dear Fatima Faris,
find attached the syntax for calling the BOARD Win Client from BATCH file.
Please note, that this has some limitations:
1. The Machine executing the Batch has to be logged on active in Windows and can´t be run in offline mode e.g. like you can run the board procedure launcher.
2. The User executing the batch can´t been used on other stages during the schedule time
3. You have to take care, that the BOARD Client is closed after the scheduling otherwise the user still is locked for used in other contents.
All needed informations you can find here: Opening a Capsule from a Command Line
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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Dear Alexander Kappes,
Thank you for your reply. I've already consulted the article attached.
What I can do is open the screen by the batch and put a procedure trigger on the screen that will change the selection, but then how can I save the screen and close it using the batch?
Best regards,
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Dear Fatima Faris,
sorry you are totally right. For sure it is not possible to change and save the selection on screens using batch file.
The change is lost, when you close the screen again.
Sorry my bad. For that I think the best solution is using navigation for the user which builds the wished selection inside procedure during runtime.
Additional with some Selection Cubes for your procedures which are managed in central administration you will have the best solution
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
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