Impossible to reset selections after apply dynamic selection using a procedure

Hi to all,
I have a problem regarding a procedure.
In a screen I have created a label linked to a procedure that apply a dynamic selection on an entity.
The selection run perfectly (to check this I have a label that shown the current selections).
Unfortunately when I run the procedure clicking on the label, I cannot reset the selections made before in all selectors that there are in the screen.
The procedure has three steps:
1 - Selection
2 - Apply selection to screen
3 - Refresh screen
I need some help. Thank.
Hi Paolo,
You haven't been very specific in what you're trying to achieve as this will determine the solution.
Is your dynamic selection based on a cube? If it is based on a cube, you should replace your [Select] step with [Select Entity] instead. The image below shows the selection and an example of that selection with the 'based on cube' box which must also be completed.
Image 1: The red box is the wrong selection for achieving this action. The blue box is the correct action to select
With the above configuration, your procedure step will look similar to this:
Please let me know if this helps. If it does not, please outline precisely what you're trying to achieve and I'll help you to get there.
Paul Wyatt
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Hi Paul,
thank you for the reply.
I have this selector in the screen.
I use it to select a member in the entity "Responsabile"
I click on the label "Filtra GroupAccount" to select various members in the entity GroupAccount.
This is my selection after using the selector and the label.
After this I try to reset the selection for the entity "Responsabile" clicking on the reset icon on the right of the selector, but nothing happens.
The images below show how the procedure is configured.
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Hi Paolo,
Does the target cube[GroupAccountEnable] get populated using a separate workflow procedure and does this target cube contain only the entity GroupAccount which can then be used to make a selection based on its contents?
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Hi Paul,
Cube GroupAccountEnable
There is a relationship between "Conto" and "GroupAccount".
I have created a dataview that Board users use to insert values in the "GroupAccountEnable" cube.
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Hi Paolo,
The reset gadget in the red square below only operates on selections made with that selector object.
You've made a selection using a procedure and so must reset it either by using another procedure
or, using the select window icon:
...its only easy when you know the answer.
Hope this helps and welcome to the board community where we hope to spare fellow devs the madness that BOARD, as brilliant as it is, is capable of inflicting on us all from time to time.
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Hi Paul,
thank for your help.
Before posting this question I created a procedure to reset the selection related to entity "Responsabile".
Unfortunately I created a wrong procedure, without "Apply selection to screen" step so I wasn't unable to reset the selector.
Using a correct version of the procedure now I'm able to reset the selection made using the selector.
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Thanks Poalo for completing the post with your solution. Your response illustrates that there are many ways to achieve the same outcome and which demonstrates choice and versatility.
Paul Wyatt