how can I optimize my procedure?


Well, I use 4 cubes in my procedure : 

Cube A (type: Single,structured on 6 entities + Year) : Yearly Budget

Cube B (type:Date,structured on same 6 entities + Month) : Due Month

Cube C (type:Single,structured on same 6 entities + Month) : Month flag

Cube D (type:Single,structured on same 6 entities + Month) : Monthly Budget 

A and B are loaded with datareaders.

My procedure is build like the following:

1- data flow: C= if (B<>0,1,0)

2- data flow: D= A*C

The issue is that my procedure takes a lot of time to run ( an hour and a half)

I tried to use sparsity on 3 entities but It's still very slow.

My question is what can I do to optimize my procedure so it can run faster ? 

Thanks and regards.







  • Hi noura bourrah,

    I was wondering if you could use the Board ETL functions instead of having datareaders. That should increase performance a lot, as the other cubes could be computed when the first ones are processed.

    See Defining an ETL transformation and validation rule and ETL Function Reference

    BR, Ray

  • Noura BOURRAH
    Noura BOURRAH Active Partner
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    Hi Ray Martens,

    Do you mean loading the cubes C and D using ETL instead of Dataflows within the procedure ? 

    Best regards.

  • Noura BOURRAH
    Noura BOURRAH Active Partner
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    Thank you so much that was really helpful, I did it with the ETL and it worked.

    Best regards.

  • Leone Scaburri
    Leone Scaburri Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers

    Hi noura bourrah,


    here you can find some tips on dataflow optimization:

    Dataflow execution methods: high performance in depth 

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers



    which is the duration of each steps?

    If it's the first one you maybe can optimize it with C=B/B (so if b contain a value the result is allways 1, otherwise its 0), which can run in HPM instead of C= if (B<>0,1,0) (which can't run in HBM)




  • Noura BOURRAH
    Noura BOURRAH Active Partner
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    Hello ,

    Thank you so much for your help, but the issue is that my cube B is of type Date and this doesn't work.

    I have tried your method with a cube of type Single and it works perfectly (the procedure takes seconds to run) .

    Thanks and regards.