(FIXED) Web Capsule Tiles - Issue When Changing Capsule databases

When changing the database from the developer version to production, it is vital that the Web Capsule Tiles are manually updated too. Failure to do so will result in the capsule failing to open in web. Having upgraded to BOARD 10.5, I can confirm that this issue is still current.
I develop in several environments and prefix all development databases with DEV. On promotion of a database, I copy and rename the database, drop the prefix and then change the database within the capsule as required.
BOARD 10.1 introduced Web Capsule Tiles which allow the dev to embed a sparkline and footer as well as an icon and to customise the colour of the tile background. These attributes are associated with the database and this is where the issues comes in as the database is not changed when you change the capsule database.
To avoid this issue, I've amended my promotion process to check the web capsule tile settings and delete all of them where set. After promotion, I manually re-configure the web tile.
Below is an image of the configurator. I select each red cross to dis-associate the settings from the outgoing database. This must be done BEFORE any steps are taken to promote the model.
Hope that this helps anyone struggling with this particular issue.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for this. Very useful for a beginning BOARD developer.
I would argue that this is a dirty, long-standing and known bug. When changing the db, it should also be applied to the capsule tile.I may hope that this issue gets finally resolved in BOARD 11, so users do not need to rely on the community to find answers for known bugs which are not documented anywhere else.
Thank you!
Jonathan1 -
Hey Jonathan, I do think that BOARD could be more rigorous in their testing but I think the strength of the community is precisely the ability between a few thousand developers and users to immediately highlight bugs and issues; It would be interesting to know how much work went into BOARD 10.5 directly attributable to community feedback, suggestions and ideas vs support portal and BOARD v7.0 to v9.0 and v9.0 to v10.0.
I'm slowly working through the minor incompatibilities + fixes as I am upgrading from v10.1.4; I skipped v10.3 altogether. I will post my personal findings as they appear to help anyone with similar issues.
How are you finding web modelling? I can see that becoming a really involving discussion right about...now. Good news though, the dynamic screen sizing appears to work but I haven't tested it yet on any ios devices.
You at BOARDville 2019? If so, look forward to catching up.
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Hi Paul,
I was just poking the BOARD team to fix some old issues. Your input is priceless regardless!
I am not using 10.5 that much yet, but some of my colleagues are, finding the inevitable initial bugs and limitations. At this moment, the latest 10.3 version is a more stable, well-running version.
Yep, I should be present at BOARDville 2019.
Talk to you there
Jonathan1 -
Annoying issue that I faced a year ago. Worth fixing
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The capsule tile designer has another problem. Whilst promoting models to 10.5 platform,I found some associations to now defunct databases in the SELECT screen. The impact was that I had to re-install an old database - in this case Occupier R1.hbmp - in order to be able to open the capsule after migrating to 10.5. This is an issue that warrants more investigation but we are all going to be migrating to a very new environment and there appears to be some potential issues which may catch some of us out - ok, we have the BOARD support line but how would you know it is an issue and not a result of your 'apparent' lack of knowledge of the system?
If you encounter a total inability to access your capsule and database, try looking at the original.
- Access the Web Capsule Tile editor.
- If you do not have any config in place, enter a sparkline block otherwise you cannot access the SELECT screen.
- Now, enter the [SELECT] setup and notice how many databases are associated with the capsule.
In the image below, it can be seen that I have 2 databases; Occupier R1.hbmp and DEV Clarity.hbmp. The problem is that I deleted the occupier db early in 2018 and renamed the capsule after I used it to COPY an image that became the DEV Clarity.hbmp. I did not configure for multiple databases and I did use the [change database] feature within the capsule. I looked in the bm1common.xml file and found several references to the rogue database but, whilst I searched every screen for hidden objects or links, I've come across nothing that will force the capsule to let go of its relationship. I even checked each screen to see that none are configured for multi-database. Lastly, I raised a support ticket and will post the outcome when received.
Image: Capsule Web Tile Configurator.
Hope this helps someone.
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OK - Not strictly fixed in the true sense as it probably will remain in 10.1 to 10.5. But, I cannot replicate the issue in BOARD 11 and I feel that in that case, it is resolved. I do appreciate that there are users for whom this may remain an issue for as long as you cannot upgrade to B11 so, I invite you to raise it if it exists for you.