Should Substitution work on WEB?

Has anyone used substitution formulae on BOARD 10.4 WEB? I trying to use substitution to show a user's active selections. However, I cannot get substitution to work on the WEB; I've tried using labels and dynawrite objects.
I'd be happy to hear from anyone who knows what I'm doing wrong.
If it is the case that substitution, for display purposes, does not work on WEB, has anyone any idea whether it will in future and on what release?
Another use of the substitution formulae for me is as a visible verification when creating defaulted SELECTIONS using procedures. Here I determine, within a procedure, the setting for a dataview or chart. I can then reset all screens to their default configurations before promoting the model to production. During development, all such screens have a dynawrite object in which I place a substitution string for each reference and selection made in an object - eg: @selection_Ex(Layout="Layout Name",Block="Block name").
If substitution is not functional in BOARD 10.5, I will no longer be able to work in this way
Below is a screen in development. The red box contains the substitution formulae which are applied to the 'Number of Properties Dataview' which can be seen in the green box - top middle of the image.
The same red box as seen on WEB - the substitution formulae has simply been shown as text:
I've solved it and thought that, for all those not aware, I would share my current findings.
Short Answer:
@Selection substitution formulae with layouts do not display on a web screen and will, when used, stop all other substitution formulae on the same screen from displaying also.
Expanded Answer:
The following all display on BOARD 10.1.4 with labels, layouts and dynawrites:
@[date / time / user / etc]
UNTIL... you use an extended formula with a layout command:
@Selection_Ex(layout="[layout name]")
at which point ALL substitution formulae will fail to display on a web screen.
So, the question is now whether the full range of substitution extended formulae will display in BOARD 10.5 onwards. I really hope so. The extended formulae are a very powerful feature. For me, they make debugging a doddle and support a high level of confidence from all developers and users when a visual validation can be demonstrated without having to break open the layouts all the time.