
Stefan Batalia
Stefan Batalia Customer
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Photogenic
edited April 2020 in Platform

Hello all,

how can I display the seleced selection in a selector?
I will display the 1 selected Sales Organization


Thanks in advanced

S. Batalia


  • Dear Stefan Batalia,


    the most easiest way will be inserting a label to your screen in this you use @Entity to show your selection.


    Sales Organization.


    Some more information about Substitution formulas you find here: Substitution formulas 


    Hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes

  • Hello Alexander,

    thank's for the quick reply, it works.
    NowI have an other question.
    How can I change the view, when I will only display the description without the code?

    Kind Regards

    S. Batalia

  • Alexander Kappes
    Alexander Kappes Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers
    edited March 2020

    Dear Stefan Batalia,


    the substitution formula shows your setting from the entity.



    Inside BOARD Layouts you can decide what to display, for the substitution formula this is unfortunately not possible.


    Hope it helps




    Alexander Kappes

  • Hello Alexander,


    o.k., than it is so, no problem.

    For today I will stop my questions, but I have found an other problem with multi databases and the selection.

    I will write this quetions tomorrow.

    Thanks for the help.


    Have a nice evening.

    Stefan Batalia

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Stefan Batalia,


    maybe you want to have a look at @selection_ex as described in our help pages layout_enhancements .



    It shows the Code only of the Selected Items. Available Values are: Desc, Code, CodeDesc, Default.

    Display=”Default” is the default value


    Hope this helps,


  • Hello Stefan Batalia,


    you are also able to use "@Selection_Ex" in a label. Here you can define display, range, limit and so on.

    You can find more information about @Selection_Ex here: layout_enhancements 


    In your case:

    @Selection_Ex(Entity="Sales Organization",Limit="1",Display="Desc")

    (where Entity is the name of your entity, limit is the number of elements to show and Display means how to show your selected element, e.g. "Desc" for description.


    Hope it helps.




  • Hello Johannes,



    thank's for your help.

     I add the following string to my Label, "@Selection_Ex(Entity="Sales Organization",Limit="1",Display="Desc")".
    Now I see only the Description.

